Selected Publications |
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Xypolias, P., Iliopoulos, I., Chatzaras, V., and Kokkalas, S., (2012). Subduction- and exhumation-related structures in the Cycladic Blueschists: insights from south Evia Island (Aegean region, Greece). Tectonics, 31, (in press). |
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Lampropoulou, P.G., Katagas, C.G., Iliopoulos, I., Papoulis, D. (2012). New periclase- magnesium aluminate spinel refractories from sintered high purity dead burned magnesite and new various presynthesized spinel- based compositions (I): Study in terms of mineralogical composition, microstructure, thermal expansion and cold crushing strength, Refractories and Industrial Ceramics (accepted). |
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Lampropoulou, P.G., Katagas, C.G., Iliopoulos, I., (2012). New periclase- magnesium aluminate spinel refractories from sintered high purity dead burned magnesite and new various presynthesized spinel- based compositions (II):Compositional variation between coexisting spinel, periclase, Ca silicate and Ca-aluminate phases in magnesia spinel refractories and in their spinel- based precursors. Refractories and Industrial Ceramics (accepted). |
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Winter, A. N., Iliopoulos, I., and Ammerman, J. A., (2009). New light on the production of decorated roofs of the 6th c. B.C. at sites inside and outside Rome. Journal of Roman Archaeology 22(1): 6-28. |
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Montana, G., Iliopoulos, I., Tardo, V. and Greco C., (2008). Petrographic and geochemical characterisation of an Archaic-Hellenistic tableware production at Solunto (Sicily). Geoarchaeology, 24(1), 86-110. |
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Ammerman, J. A., Iliopoulos, I., Bondioli, F., Filippi, D., Hilditch, J., Manfredini, A., Pennisi L. and Winter, A. N., (2008). The clay beds in the Velabrum and the earliest tiles in Rome. Journal of Roman Archaeology 21(1): 7-30. |
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Montana, G., Fabbri, B., Santoro, S., Gualtieri, S., Iliopoulos, I. and Guiducci, G (2007). Pantellerian ware: A comprehensive archeometric review. Archaeometry, 49(3), 455-481. |
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Belvedere, O., Burgio, A., Iliopoulos, I., Montana, G., & Spatafora, F., (2006). Ceramica a vernice nera di eta ellenistica da siti della Sicilia nord-occidentale: considerazioni tipologiche ed analisi archeometriche. Melanges de L’Ecole Francaise de Rome, Antiquite, Vol. 118(2): 549-571, ISSN: 1123-9891. |
2005 | |
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Navarra G., Iliopoulos I., Militello V., Rotolo S. and Leone M. (2005). OH-related Infrared Absorption Bands in Oxide Glasses. The Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. Special Issue, 351(21-23): 1796-1800. |
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Montana G., Iliopoulos I. and Giarrusso R., (2005). Pantellerian ware: new data on petrography, chemistry and technological properties, In: 1st International Conference on Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares, and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry, (eds. J.M. Gurt i Esparraguera and J. Buxeda i Garrigos), British Archaeological Reports (BAR) - International Series, S1340: 425-435. |
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Montana G., Iliopoulos I. and Tantillo M. (2005). Establishing a “recipe” for Pantellerian ware: raw materials field survey, analysis and experimental reproduction, In: 1st International Conference on Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares, and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry, (eds. J.M. Gurt i Esparraguera and J. Buxeda i Garrigos), British Archaeological Reports (BAR) - International Series, S1340: 437-450. |
2004 | |
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Cau M.A., Day P.M., Baxter M., Papageorgiou I., Iliopoulos I. and Montana G. (2004). Exploring Automatic Grouping Procedures in Ceramic Petrology. Journal of Archaeological Science, 31(9): 1325-1338. |
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Alaimo R., Bultrini G., Fragala I., Giarrusso R., Iliopoulos I., and Montana G., (2004). Archaeometry of Sicilian glazed pottery. Applied Physics A – Material Science & Processing, 79: 221–227 |
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2003 | |
1 | Montana, G., Mommsen H., Iliopoulos I., Schwedt A., and Denaro M. (2003). The Petrography and Chemistry of Thin-Walled Ware from an Hellenistic-Roman Site at Segesta, Sicily. Archaeometry, 45(3): 375-389. |
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2002 | |
1 | Hein A., Tsolakidou A., Iliopoulos I., Mommsen H., Buxeda i Garrigos J., Montana G., and Kilikoglou V. (2002). Standardisation of elemental analytical techniques applied to provenance studies of archaeological ceramics: an inter laboratory calibration study. Analyst 127(4): 542-553. |
2 | Alaimo R., Greco C., Iliopoulos I. and Montana G. (2002). Phoenician-Punic ceramic workshops in western Sicily: compositional characterisation of raw materials and artefacts. In: Modern Trends in Scientific Studies on Ancient Ceramics. Ed. V. Kilikoglou, A. Hein and Y. Maniatis. British Archaeological Reports (BAR), S1011: 207-218. |
3 | Alaimo R., Giarrusso R., Iliopoulos I. and Montana G. (2002). Archaic and classical ceramics artefacts from Caltagirone (Sicily): a first attempt for distinguishing imports and local imitations through petrography and chemistry. Periodico di Mineralogia, Special Volume: Archaeometry and Classical Heritage, 71: 17-31. |
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1998 | |
1 | Alaimo R., Greco C., Iliopoulos I. and Montana G. (1998). Le officine ceramiche di Solunto e Mozia (VII-III secolo a.C.): un primo confronto tra materia prime, fabric e chimismo dei prodotti finiti. Miner. Petrogr. Acta, 41: 287-306. |
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